10 Habits Of A Highly Organized Person

Being an organized person is not just a personality trait you either have or don’t have. It’s a series of habits that you can practice and get better at over time. Read on for ten habits you can adopt to become more organized.

It can be easy to get frustrated and even jealous when you see those lucky people who seem to just have their lives together. It can feel like being a highly organized person is in their DNA, and while you struggle with balancing your home life, work, and kids, they can do it all without breaking a sweat.

Don’t stress. The good news is you can learn how to organize your home and life too—you just need to adopt a few healthy habits.

"10 Habits Of A Highly Organized Person" in a white box with a woman's hand typing on a laptop with a cell phone, notepad, and pen on the desk.

10 Habits That Will Help You Become A Highly Organized Person

1. Create a morning routine

Having a morning routine will change your life. You probably already have some kind of routine for your kids, but you also need a routine for you. Whether you love to work out in the morning, or you would prefer just to sit and drink a coffee in peace, carve out a few moments for yourself at the beginning of each day. 

This allows you a little morning breathing space and gives you the time to start thinking about the things that need doing on that day, without too much pressure. You might even want to use this time to organize yourself and create a plan for the day, but do what feels right for you, and what causes the least amount of stress.

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2. Make your bed every day

This sounds stupidly simple, and it is, but it works wonders. In five minutes, you have achieved the first task of the day, and it creates positive momentum for you to continue your day in this same way. It’s not about the act of making your bed, but what that symbolizes.

The same mindset applies to other little tasks throughout your day. Things like washing dishes, hanging up your clothes, and putting away your shoes will make you feel like you’re the most organized person on earth, and give you the motivation to keep crushing it.

3. Set a deadline for work

Whether tasks are related to your job, your home, or any other aspect of your life, it pays to give things a specific deadline. Even if you are making these deadlines for yourself, it provides tasks with a sense of urgency and helps you tick even the most annoying tasks off your to-do list.

Make a list with all your deadlines, mark things in your diary or calendar, or set the alarm on your phone. Just make sure you can keep track of your deadlines, and that you are just as committed to meeting them as if someone else was setting them.

4. Declutter unnecessary things

Having a bunch of stuff that you don’t need will only eat up your time and energy, and it can make organizing very difficult. Decluttering can feel like an enormous process, but living with mess and unnecessary items will take a massive toll over time as well.

Instead of trying to give a place to a lot of items, try selling or donating some of your possessions. You’ll find that editing down to just essentials and things that “bring you joy” will bring you mental clarity, and make organization easier.

5. Action emails and mail as soon as they arrive

Bills, letters, and other important documents can pile up if you don’t get to them right away, which can make the necessary admin of life seem overwhelming. Later often turns into never, and you can end up with late fees for bills or worse.

Make it a habit to action any important emails or letters you receive on the same day that you get them so that you never get caught late, and never forget about important things you receive. It’s also important to keep your inbox clean to help you keep track of things, and make this whole process easier.

Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. - Peter Drucker

6. Make a to-do list

Getting all of your tasks for the day, week, or month down onto paper and out of your head can help prevent that feeling of overwhelm that happens when you are trying to juggle too many things at once.

You can make a list according to priority, or just brain dump onto a piece of paper or your notes app. You can also use your to-do list in the morning to create a schedule for the day.

7. Eat that frog in the morning

For most people, first thing in the morning is the very best time to tackle the most challenging task of your day. This will make the rest of your day feel far more manageable and remove the stress you felt about that first task.

Getting the task you dread most done right at the top of the day will also help you feel more accomplished, and give you the push that you need to stay on track and breeze through the rest of your tasks.

8. Stay on top of your finances

Managing your money can feel stressful or overwhelming, but you will find yourself far more in control when you keep on top of it with just a few minutes every week. You’ll want to understand where your money is coming from and where it’s going month-to-month in detail.

The more attention you pay, the more money you may be able to save on your recurring expenses. And you will never have to face an annoying and expensive late fee again.

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9. Ask for help

Sometimes we are genuinely juggling too much at once, and it’s okay to give a little responsibility to others for a while. Whether it be passing a project at work to someone else, talking to your partner or your kids about how they can help you more at home, or giving yourself a night off and hiring a babysitter, getting help is necessary sometimes.

Women particularly suffer from a lot of guilt sometimes over not being able to “do it all”. We feel like failures, which stops us from asking for and receiving the help we need from people who are around us to support us. But I promise it’s OK to put yourself and your needs first now and then.

10.  Let go of perfectionism

Perfectionism is just procrastination in high heels. It’s another way to hold yourself back and ensure you never achieve the things you want to.

Unless you’re a heart surgeon, the chances are you will rarely make a mistake that you can’t fix, and if you let go of perfectionism, you will probably find that you have a lot more time and energy to be productive and organized.

What are your favorite ways to stay motivated and organized in your life? Let us know your tips in the comments!

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